Cyberattacks, phishing, who is really protected in today’s cyberspace?

Probably no one at 100% but because of this should we accept our fate and give up privacy?

Certainly NOT.

There is no one single front we should protect only, we should think in a way to be vigilant all the time in order to be protected. (as we will be doing it walking in a big city without clear rules and with a higher risk to be robbed or scammed as probably some of you experience more than once, or even on daily basis depending on where you live). It is important to consider the information on our Mobile devices, Websites, Computers (personal/work) IoT devices, the list can go on.

And then we should educate those coming behind us and be sure to not give that false sense of security about the information we share online. Once the information is online there usually will be there forever, not many companies have correctly implemented the “right” to be forgotten. And if even if they did most likely the information is probably already saved in many other cloud servers around the world. So instead of trying to use the right to be forgotten. Let’s try to think more wisely what when and how we share information with the rest of the world. As usually the internet NEVER forgets.