What if you could have a digital assistant that works with you, and knows you so well that can help you to make better decisions? (An improved version of yourself?)

What if this assistant can help you to recognize what it can be a dangerous activity online and what is not, and which sites could be considered as a good or dubious source of information (Verified sources only?).

What if this assistant can provide advice and answer questions about what to do to be safer online? (Infosec awareness)

What if this assistant can not only help to you, but also talk to other assistants that are in similar situation without disclosing/sharing your private information? (Smart data sharing)

It would be nice to live in a world where we are comfortable sharing things safely online and sharing our views even they are contrary to others, the first step is to imagine this world and build it one ourselves. (Power of the network)

Imagination is more powerful than knowledge; And machines (AI/ML) are here to power our ideas, not to impose ideas into us.