AI has become such a buzzword lately.

If we go back in time not so far, 80s and 90s  the same danger was mentioned about computers, that was a threat to so many jobs (accountants mainly) nowadays I cannot imagine one of them not using a computer to write a balance sheet. Then it came the Internet, social media, IoT and now Ai. 

Always there is a new concern to the unknown, but that’s normal, it is a human natural behavior.

If there is a constant in life is change, we need to learn and adapt to change, we need to act and not just think, we need to embrace the changes and not feel afraid. 

But all that has already been said.  … so what now.? 

We are living in remarkable times where we have two choices: we can either collaborate to achieve remarkable feats using AI as an assistant, or we can neglect it, leading to AI increasingly thinking and acting on our behalf.  AI it is a great tool because can synthesize and analyze on the blink of an eye ton of information that even the most powerful mind cannot do in so short time, so what good is on Ai and which times are coming? :

It is the time for GPU to lead  and CPU to support

It is time to join knowledge, to solve global problems. 

It is time to create  once for all (at least try) effective policies for infosec which are interoperable. 

It is time to try and try again until we arrive where we want to be.

It is time to embrace new things, and not to fear them. 

It is also time to NOT disrespect

It is also time to think before do

It is also time to think global and act local

And is NOT time to misinformed others using Ai 

AI it can be just there to give you and advice and take it with precautions and as it comes from just one more source of information before taking conclusions.

Or it can be there to help to analyze how using AI based on your behavior can help you to protect yourself, and those closer to you.

It is important to pause and not to give up already that we can have a better  life for next generations, but to live up to the challenge TODAY and leave a world that next generations will be proud to receive, and will say, thanks AI arrive now for good. 

AI indeed is becoming also a philosophical thing, because technology is making us use things faster than we can comprehend and NOT being able to  understand how everything works around us.

It is time to embrace AI before singularity arrives, because when it does, it will be too late if we were not ready.

Technology is here to serve us, and not the other way around.